health, nature

beauty and the itchy beast

out here in the sticks
the poison ivy is not only a bush
but a thick rope vine that snakes up the trees.
we occasionally hack it down and it mixes with
the bottom layers of leaves and grass.
we forget to haul it away and kill it.

then people like me go traipsing through it
while planting a new flowering crepe myrtle
and shooting pictures of the misty moon
and where the opening in my Birkenstocks are
between the straps are two think patches of

Mother Nature is pretty
and awesome . . .
but she itches like hell.

family, health

still swimming


i’m in Detroit visiting family right now
spent time sleeping and pacing and weeping
in the ICU waiting room at William Beaumont hospital
i’m not certain my grandmother is going to make it,
but we shall see . . .
they intubated her, she’s having trouble breathing
and recovering from a stroke.
she’s a fighter and a strong woman.
and i must be strong for my own mother right now
as someday . . . i will have to do the same for her.

family, health

bi-directional intrusions

my boyfriend’s grandfather suffered a minor heart attack 2 days ago.
he went into invasive triple-bipass surgery yesterday.
meanwhile in Detroit MI,
my grandmother had trouble breathing,
they hospitalized her,
drew fluid off her lungs,
she went into Atrial Fibrillation
she went into renal failure
she went into dialysis,
her potassium levels went up
she stabilized, best she had been in months
but somwhere during AF, her body threw off blood clots
one of them wended its way up
she suffered a stroke.
she speaks slowly she speaks nonsense
she does not swallow
she may not recover
she may not live.

i do not know where to be right now.

health, weather


see what happens!
first few days of nice weather
i catch some nasty flu-like thing
and i’m hacking up phlegm
i need a chicken noodle soup maker
and a warm blanket bringer
and a head-petter.


friends, health, relationships, writing

weighty repetition

everyone you come in contact with needs something from you.
they don’t always know what it is,
but they know you have something for them.
the balance occurs when you learn to embrace
that which will move you forward
those who will genuinely love you
and inevitably to learn to say NO.