nature, photography, weather

creature feature

i hope i don’t bore you all
with the billion bugs
and the few thousand flowers.

should i go photograph buildings
or portraits
or industrial scenes
or road kill?

as a writer, i tend to write what i know
and what – photographers shoot what they see?
so YOU see what i SEE, i suppose.
and though i do have concepts
i have mostly fortunate scenery . . .

i see five acres of forest,
i see horses and trees and flowers
i see explosive colors everywhere
and everywhere i go i see
a picture.

today while driving i saw
a lightning storm
a rainbow
a row of trees
blinking on and off with
the million green lights
of fireflies
a once impeccable white classic car
with hanging fuzzy dice
badly wrecked on the side of the road.

and i wonder at how to capture it all.
and will i have time?