dreams, philosophy, psychology

conceptual suffering

“Nirvana consists in the psychological stance
that makes you indifferent to suffering.

What is it that turns your life into nothing but suffering?

It is desire and fear –
desire for something, some delusory desire
and fear lest you should lose something.”

~ Joseph Campbell from Transformations of Myth Through Time

i have made my choice
and my choice is rapture.
i am in the center of neither winning
nor losing.
i am in BEING.

nature, photography, weather

creature feature

i hope i don’t bore you all
with the billion bugs
and the few thousand flowers.

should i go photograph buildings
or portraits
or industrial scenes
or road kill?

as a writer, i tend to write what i know
and what – photographers shoot what they see?
so YOU see what i SEE, i suppose.
and though i do have concepts
i have mostly fortunate scenery . . .

i see five acres of forest,
i see horses and trees and flowers
i see explosive colors everywhere
and everywhere i go i see
a picture.

today while driving i saw
a lightning storm
a rainbow
a row of trees
blinking on and off with
the million green lights
of fireflies
a once impeccable white classic car
with hanging fuzzy dice
badly wrecked on the side of the road.

and i wonder at how to capture it all.
and will i have time?